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Rise of the Defender: A Medieval Romance (de Lohr Dynasty Book 2) by Kathryn Le Veque

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This is an epic story. It has it all. Just when you think things have settled, a new twist is introduced. Navigating the Engli...

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Season of Faith by Alexa Verde

I identified with Heidi, being a geek/tomboy. Men were just my friends. Heidi held on to the mantra way too long. It's that friendship that is deep and abiding. Love develops and creates a union between a man and woman that no one can break. Heidi broke that faith and never gave Jason a chance. I believe that they were getting married too young, right before college. Maybe, they should have gone to college together before making that commitment, because Heidi's immaturity was showing by not confronting Jason 9 years ago. What God has put together let no man put asunder! Heidi's growth in this book was well developed, but I can't believe it took nine years before that began to happen. You'll enjoy the book, but shake your head at Heidi's stupidity.

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