So there is no cover picture for this novel. I received this ARC from ebook discovery to read for the author before it has been published. This is my official review for the book when it goes live.
This book is about Zach Viho, mountain lion shifter and Mary Ann Cook, human. Eleven years ago, Zach went back to his ranch in Montana and told Mary Ann he would return for her. Six weeks later, Mary Ann finds out she is pregnant with his son. Due to some dream by his brother, Zach returns to Albuquerque and stands in front of the soccer field like his brother told him, and there he finds Mary Ann and 10 year old Jothan. Mary Ann has no idea that Zach is a shifter and he can't tell her without his Alpha's permission. As the story progresses, we learn why Zach left and why Mary Ann never told Zach about Jothan. We learn that Jothan is a very special child, excluding being a shifter. The Alpha is Rio and he is a sick villain. To be honest, I liked this book. It grabbed and held my attention. The characters are well developed and we understand the shifter community of the Yolawar tribe. The storyline is smooth as it transitions to the story's completion.
Happy New Year and welcome to 2025. I read mostly Advanced Reader Copies and all reviews are my own opinion. Feel free to contact me if you have a questions or want me to read one of your books. Please post to my blog and/or subscribe. I love hearing from you! Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus come! May God bless and keep you this year!
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Wedded to the Wicked Highlander by Lydia Kendall
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ A spirited story of a woman defying expectations. After her husband's death, her domineering brother arranges a marriage ...
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Divine and Dateless (Eternally Yours #1) by Tara West
I was totally aghast at Tara West's idea of the afterlife. It makes me glad that I have given my life to Jesus Christ. Credits to move up in Purgatory so you can get to "the Penthouse". Although her idea of heaven makes me shudder. Despite all the misinterpretations, the story is well written and the characters are charming. Though at times, she goes overboard in some of her descriptions. Aedean, one of the Grim Reapers, is Ashley's ideal man in looks, but thinks his personality needs work. This is where the author failed in this book. We get sneak peaks at who Aedean actually is, but the author fails to make us understand him. This could be because the book is written in the first person, and that is from Ashley's point of view. The truth is that Ashley never really gets anything and is typical of today's young people and how self centered they are. If you are looking for nothing serious, and want a laugh, this book is for you. Some material can be quite offensive and you should take that into consideration before choosing this book.
Monday, August 28, 2017
Finding Bliss: A Dream Trysts Story by Rosetta Bloom
I found this book better written than the first book I read by Rosetta Bloom. Here she tells the story of Sleeping Beauty's mother and father. There is real magic and passion in this story. Bliss gives all for love and as we know true love is worth the sacrifice. I received an Advanced Reader copy and this is my honest review.
To Bewitch a Highlander (Isle of Mull Series Book 1) by Lily Baldwin
I loved this book. Shoney takes Rowan on the chase of his life. She confuses him and the truth of her will have his whole village in an uproar. Shoney has kept the legend of the Witch of Dervaig alive through generations like her mother and grandmother before her. She dresses in a hag's outfit and keeps her face hidden from the world, until that fateful day when she is hunting a stag and Rowan sees her. The author keeps up chase, until Rowan learns what she is. This book held my interest until the very end. Sometimes we have to keep a little mystery and magic in our relationship, and the author does this well in this book.
The Cost of Love (Darkened Nights: History Book 1) by Nicole Zoltack
This book was a beautifully written love story, and although Jacque and Gabrielle live happily together til death do us part. The author left you with a sense that all was not right with the world. The truth is that we make our own happily ever after by facing the challenges life gives together. This book is an Advanced Reader Copy and this is my honest review.
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Beyond Rubies (Daughters of Sin Book 4) by Beverley Oakley
To be honest, this is the first book I have read in the series. I found Kitty naïve, but Kitty is a true adventuress. The story is good and so is the plot, but here is what I question. For women of this age, marriage is a security that they need. I don't believe this is an HEA in the true since. She is still a mistress and she will never have true security. In the end, Kitty is her mother. And the hero in this story, I found him weak, living between two households shows a lack of character, but then Noah also lacked character because he was cheater. To be honest, I believe there is someone out there in Beverley Oakley's world that Kitty deserves, because she doesn't deserve these two. I say, "Kitty hold out for your dream."
"I received a copy of this book from eBook Discovery. I voluntarily reviewed this book. This is my honest review."
Sheriff's Affection by Emma Harper

This book was originally a readers exclusive and I received this book for free. This is my honest opinion.
Forgotten & Remembered: The Duke's Late Wife (Love's Second Chance, #1) by Bree Wolf
Sometimes we are thrown into circumstances beyond our control. For Rosabel, this is true. She has lost her mother, then her father. She lives with an uncle that doesn't want her there and gives her to the first man who asks for her hand. Good thing it turned out to be a duke, although this Duke cannot get over the loss of his wife and doesn't want to raise another man's daughter. Rosabel doesn't know if she will ever have a wifely relationship with the duke, but seeing that Georgiana needs a mother. She takes this duty to heart. This book deals with a lot of grief issues, abandonment issues and how we treat those who have been given unto our care. Rosabel rises above her situation and tries to balance her mothering and household duties, plus trying to have at least a civil relationship with a withdrawn and sullen husband. This book is well written and the emotions of the characters were thought out carefully. Well worth reading!
A Garden in Paris by Stephanie Grace Whitson
This book left me with a lot of thoughts. Mary doesn't know who she is after her husband of twenty-six years dies. Mary has secrets and regrets. Because of the dynamics of her marriage, Liz, her daughter has no respect for her mother. Mary contemplates killing herself, but decides to write her first love in Paris. She goes to Paris to wait to see if Jean-Marc will meet her in the Notre Dame Garden. She arrives two weeks early because of a fight with her daughter. While visiting all the old places, Mary reflects on her marriage, her relationship with Liz and who she used to be before Sam. Liz has no idea of who her mother was before her father, and learns from the housekeeper some things about her mother. Liz follows her mother to Paris two days after she meets up with Jean-Marc. Liz has to deal with her feelings of the things she finds out about her mother and herself. Mary has to learn to live with herself and who she is after denying herself for over 26 years. My first thought is that when we reach the age when our spouse is gone and our children our grown. How do we go on? Is it possible to recapture the young woman I used to be? What is my relationship with my children? Will it survive, get better or worse? Although the author leaves the relationship of Mary and Jean-Marc up in the air, I leave with a sense that Mary will find her way. This book is well written and provokes deep thought.
Friday, August 25, 2017
Marrying Miss Shylo by Sharon Ihle
I love the con game between the two characters. This con gets Cassie Shylo all the way to California on Dimitri and his uncle's money. Dimitri believing that she is rich goes along thinking she will reimburse him. They both have relatives in California, they wish to find. Of course the romp continues until the final blow, but by then both characters are hopelessly in love with each other. This book plays hard on your emotions and deals quite well with abandonment issues. I'm loving this book, because I laughed and I cried. I felt I was feeling everything Cassie felt when she confronted her mother. High Five Sharon Ihle! I received this book from eBook Discovery and this is my honest opinion.
Honorable Rosalind's Heart by Bridget Barton
I rather enjoyed the sparring between the Duke and Rosalind. Of course, all that anger had to turn into passion. Rosalind must find the courage to defy her parents and go with heart. This is where a more mature female does not lack, that Rosalind does. She is just eighteen and still clings to her parents authority. My problem with the book, the duke could have demanded Rosalind's hand and it would have overrode anything that Lord Slyther had done. But the Duke begs Rosalind to tell her parents, and won't have her until she does. Duke gives credit to a naïve teenage girl, especially in a day and age where men think they ruled the world and women were made to stay home and be ornaments. Well, enough of the preaching. I liked this book and the plot and storyline were well written with the above mentioned flaws. Rosalind was a confused girl, who did not want to except her fate. The Duke was brash and sometimes very abrasive. It did not seem he understood how society worked and women have no choice. Lord Slyther, the name says it all. The parent were more concerned with themselves than their daughters welfare. It seemed the only person who was not self serving was Rosalind and she spent most of this book in fear of the future. This book says a lot about the vaguaries of society, and most aristocrats who ran England were self absorbed.
Rake's Honour by Beverley Oakley
This book is about Fanny Brightwell. Fanny must marry to save her family and they are forcing her to marry Lord Slyther. Fanny makes a deal if she can secure a marriage with a wealthy and titled gentlemen before the season closes, she can break her brotrothal. This book is full of misconceptions, listening to gossip and a truly disgusting Lord. The plot is well planned and the story well written. There were times I was truly disappointed in the hero, but Fanny never let me down. She hung in there regardless of her situation. Yeah!!
Abandoned Witch (Shadow Claw Book 6) by Sarah J. Stone
This story was horrible. The thoughts ran all over the place. It was very hard reading because the story didn't have any consistency. It can't even be called a romance, and the sex scenes left a lot to be desired, maybe, because they were just that, no love, no tenderness, no nothing. They were just something to randomly throw in the story. My recommendation is don't waste your time.
I received this book as a free ARC and this is my honest review.
Awaken: Sleeping Beauty Retold (Romance a Medieval Fairytale #2)
First, this is no sleeping beauty waiting for her prince. This is a tale about a princes who has the ability to talk to plants and heal others. When she overuses her healing abilities, she goes into a deep sleep. She carries a sickness back from visiting another kingdom, where she healed a sick girl. When her people begin get sick as they travel back, she stops at her kingdom's borders and heals them. She falls into a deep sleep believing she is dying and asks the plants to protect her little kingdom. Rosemund is not your typical princess. She was raised to rule, and the author keeps that principle in mind as the story progresses. The story kept my interest, because it is not your typical fairy tale. Although, Rosemund was not a particularly likeable character for me. I connected more with Siward later on in the book. If you like fairytales or retellings, this one is a keeper. I received an Advanced Reader Copy and this is my honest review.
Three Abductions and an Earl (Parvenues & Paramours, #1) by Tessa Candle
What to say about this book? The title leaves you intrigued and it is why I dug into it right away. Lydia and her friend Tilly are what we call the Nouveau Rich. The ton likes to have them around for amusement but doesn't want them to actually marry into their set. Lydia is headstrong, independent, and likes to do things that are unladylike. Her friend, Tilly, I still don't know what she is like. Some of the decriptions of her and her personality have a lot to be desired and leave much in mystery. This is obviously the author's purpose here. One thing I bring into question, is the author's use of an accident to change Lydia's personality. It left me trying to get back the connection I had with the heroine. There are two abductions that I counted, but I'm trying to feel out the author for the third. She made have considered the chase scene an abduction, but it turned out to be an elopement. Most of the characters were loveable, but the more she expanded the characters, the more they drifted from their initial description of their value system. In fact, as I read their values kept lowering, especially for an earl who was supposed to be prudish or just morally upright. I felt a disappointment with the characters by the end of the book. For a book that started off as a fun adventure, it lost something as we headed into the climax of the book. I received this book as an Advanced Reader Copy and this is my honest review.
Always a Bridesmaid: A Silly Short Story by Cecilia Dominic
The cover of this says it all, A Silly Short Story. The premise, I would say is good. The characters are outrageous and the talking fish was over the top. Yes, there is a talking fish. There is also a curse, a demon and a bride who has married six times and each of her husbands has died on their wedding night. Yes, she is going for number seven. Like I said, this book is silly and outrageous, but it is also a lot of fun. A good book for one to two hour read. I received this Advanced Reader Copy and this is my honest review.
Eros Element by Cecilia Dominic
Sad to say, I couldn't put the book down. I don't think I've enjoyed the steampunk era as much as I have with the 2 books I have read in this series. I love Iris. I still question Edward (introduced in book 1). Jeremy Scott is the perfect villian, handsome, intelligent and totally self absorbed. In this book, psychic and science are mixed together, and evil people run amok. I laughed and I was intrigued by Iris. She was a breath of intelligence and innocence mixed together. I'm still pretty sure Edward is too. Looking forward to the next one in the series.
Heading Home by Ashley Farley
This novella is about Kate Sunderland. One day, Kate loses her job, throws out her loser boyfriend and decides what to do with her life. This is a quick read and was more of a prequel than a stand alone novella. This book was published for Ashley's newsletter subscribers. I was waiting for something to happen but it never really did.
Tyrant Trouble (Mudflat Magic Book 1) by Phoebe Matthews
This story is in the first person, and it is told from Claire's (Stargazer) point of view. Claire has an unusual gift and a knack for getting in and out of trouble. Her way of thinking is a little strange, but eventually the story grabs you. Claire is on the run for her life from a con man and winds up in a place concealed from the world by magic. The people who live there live back in the barbarian days according to Claire. She gets captured by their prince, and this where the story grabbed me. Their are really funny strange moments because Claire doesn't get how these people think, but she tries to adlib to try and stay alive, because people keeping talking about her losing her head. All the characters in this book are way out there, Nance - the screaming temple keeper, Tarvik - the bratty prince, Kovak the Slayer - the over scarred ruler , Lor - the stable master and loyal friend to Nance, the Thunder Magician, Ober - the prince's betrothed mother-in-law, Alakar - the princes betrothed. Note, if I had a betrothed and mother-in-law like these, heads would have been flying. Anyway, the book is a fun read and I look forward to the next book in the series.
Unexpected Union by Madison Grace

The Mysterious Governess by Berverley Oakley
This is the second book I've read in the Daughters of Sin series by Beverley Oakley. Lissa is a governess looking towards the aristocracy. Her father is a viscount but her mother was not his wife. He married for his family, but he spends most of his days with his one true love and his other family. The son of the family she works for uses her artistic skills to his advantage, but Lissa is using him to gain access to the aristocracy. She figures the only way she can become something is marry up. The son gets her to do some drawings she doesn't want and mayhem ensues from there. This is where the villain Lord Debenham comes into play. He is in all the novels. Because of her employer's son cruel ways, Lissa meets a Mr. Tunley, but he is employed by Lord Debenham. New problem, Lissa is in love with Mr. Tunley. but he can't marry her because he can't offer her a home. The problems and mayhem continue. This is one book that keeps you on your toes. The story and plot are good, but the endings lack something, but I'm not sure. It could be because these books overlap each other and the endings of all will culminate in the 5th book with Lord Debenham getting his just deserts.
I received this book from the eBook Discovery and this is my honest review.
Ugly by Laxmi Hariharan
Although I enjoyed the story and the plot. The thought process was hard to follow at times. Basically, Zola needs to make a decision. That decision must be made on an emotional level but as in all things one party doesn't play fair. I'm not sure actually what ascendants are and this novella leaves you half in the dark.
I received this book as an Advanced Reader Copy and this is my honest review.
The Secret Lives of Superhero Wives by Joynell Schultz
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
This is a fun and lighthearted book. I enjoyed the cheesy jokes and some of the lighthearted humor between married couples. It also addresses real issues that that even normal couples must address. It is written in comic book style and Joynell creates her superhero world with that in mind. I would say if you look a little deeper you'll find some excellent marital advice. This was an excellent weekend read. I received an Advanced Reader Copy of this book and this my honest review.
This is a fun and lighthearted book. I enjoyed the cheesy jokes and some of the lighthearted humor between married couples. It also addresses real issues that that even normal couples must address. It is written in comic book style and Joynell creates her superhero world with that in mind. I would say if you look a little deeper you'll find some excellent marital advice. This was an excellent weekend read. I received an Advanced Reader Copy of this book and this my honest review.
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