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Rise of the Defender: A Medieval Romance (de Lohr Dynasty Book 2) by Kathryn Le Veque

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This is an epic story. It has it all. Just when you think things have settled, a new twist is introduced. Navigating the Engli...

Monday, June 28, 2021

The Duke who Met His Match: A Historical Regency Romance Novel by Hazel Linwood

Rating:  ⭐⭐⭐

This story is just mean and if you are going to plan revenge you should do your homework first. After Lady Anastasia finds that she falls in love with the Duke, her sister gets revenge by telling him Anastasia's plans. She than pawns it off as by saying that she didn't know that Anastasia hadn't told him. The truth is no deserves a happily ever after in this one, because what one sows thus so shall they reap. The worst part in all of this is the Duke had apologized to the sister before finding out about Anastasia plans. The sister is an unemotional and horrible character. Anastasia's love for her sister is totally misplaced as she just forgives her sister for ruining everything.

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